Tuesday 9 July 2013

Analysis of film posters(Presentation)

Analysis of a previous A2 media candidate

Films that have influenced society

Films that have influenced society

Media affects society in many ways both positive and negative, although most of the time it is negative. Films such as Kidulthood, a British drama set in inner West London shows society the negative side of teenagers as they stereotype them. The characters in this film are portrayed as being antisocial thugs that behave in a violent manner; the film also shows some of the characters part taking in recreational drug use. This is showing adults, parents and grandparents what their younger generations could essentially be doing.

Kidulthood represents age and gender in different ways such as the lads act ‘thuggish' or ‘gangsta’, this could be because they look up to the older lads in the hoodies and want to be like them, this is show with the use of “blud” and “fam”. Age is shown as they are at the age where they are taking part in sexual activities; it is also shown when a group of girls bully and beat a blonde girl up this suggest that being in high school is difficult and that violence is active in both the boys and the girls. Another negative aspect to this film is that the parents of the girl that is being bullied is that they do not realise that she was being bullied until it was too late, this sends a message to both the parents and the children viewing this film that if they are being bullied that they should tell someone and for the parents it shows certain signs of bullying that they can recognise. One of the main characters, known as Trevor, is pressured in to getting into the world of crime by his uncle it is clear to see that he is reluctant to do it but due to peer pressure he does.

Whereas zombie films such as the Night of the Living Dead, Evil Dead and Shaun of the Dead influence society as now people dress up as zombies and embrace the fear and concept of them every year on Halloween. These films are not based on reality or true events yet people still choose to believe that it is real. Zombie films feed people needs of being scared which increases the consumption of horror films. Since zombie film zombies have been feature in different types of media such as in music videos such as the famous Michael Jackson’s thriller video. Zombies have also featured in video games such as, The Walking Dead, which also has its own comic book, TV series, Call of Duty also have a game which involves zombies and then there are the Resident Evil games.

Friday 5 July 2013

Analysis of a film promotion website

Analysis of film promotion website

I had a look at Monsters University’s webpage that is promoting the film which will be released the 12th July. It is made to look like a real university website showing the recent events of the university, showing their success, and also when to apply to the university.

The webpages stick to all the colours generally associated with Monsters Inc. and Monsters University.

The way the website promotes the film is by selling memorabilia with the monsters university logo on, this can also be associated with the fact that some of the memorabilia is focused on actual university clothing like the grey hooded jumper with the logo on.

The website also introduces the viewer to some of the characters featured in the film. This is to familurise the audience to them as some of the charecters will not of been in the first monsters inc film. I think the use of extra information on the the teachers from the university is good as it shows what they ‘profecionalise’ in.

I think that although the film is aimed at a young audience the website promoting it is quite complex for a child to use. Therefore it will be viewed by children acompanied by an adult therefore that is why there is a store which they can purchase memorabillia for their child.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Analysis of existing film magazine covers

Presentation for analysis of film magazine covers

Evidence of film trailers I admire

Evidence of film trailers I admire

Shaun of the Dead

I watched the film trailer to Shaun of the dead; I admire this as it is a horror comedy. At the beginning of the trailer it starts off with news reports warning whoever it is watching that they need to pay attention as it is for their own safety. I think that this is a good aspect of the trailer as it has already attracted the attention of the audience as they have been instructed to ‘pay attention’. The idea of the trailer switching from the news report to a scene with zombies in but still having the narrative of the new report and then back to the scene again to see the news caster on the TV before being introduced to the two main characters sat down watching the TV has a good effect as it is showing the audience what the character are being warned about. In a way the trailer for Shaun of the dead feels a lot like a’ how to survive a zombie apocalypse guide ‘ which I think is a good thing as it make the genre of the film quite clear and is interesting for a film trailer.

The zombies in Shaun of the dead are slow moving zombies, not very intelligent and covered in blood that also walks around with missing limbs. I believe that although this film is more based on the comedy side it still follows the codes and conventions of a zombie film.
 The Crazies

I admire this film trailer as it starts of all nice and sunny showing how calm the surroundings are and how the village is enjoying a nice sunny day at a baseball match which is interrupted by an infected man. It then goes to show the audience that the characters in the film have notice a difference in the infected personnel this is portrayed with the next scene being in an examiner’s office with a woman replying to the doctors question “what is wrong?” she replies “I don’t know. Something’s not right.” This is a crucial clue in what is about to happen in the film trailer. The trailer then goes on to show how ‘the crazies’ are infected such as the repetition of sentences, the fading out almost ‘statue like’. Then nearing the end of the trailer is where all of the action is, such as feeling the sheer panic the characters are feeling, the infected killing people close to them such as their own family members in house fires, the loss of signal for mobile devices, the military killing people and explosions. The use of writing in-between adds effect, such as ‘this is only the beginning’ makes the audience think that there is more action to come when watching the whole film. The use of the song Mad world doesn’t fit in with the scene it is being played with as the scene is hectic and full of panic, although the song could relate to the title of the film ‘The Crazies’ as the infected have gone ‘mad’.

Again this film trailer sticks to the codes and conventions of a zombie film trailer as the zombies are slow moving, although they don’t necessarily eat the living like most zombies do in a zombie film the still have the need to kill the uninfected. This film trailer is focused on the genre its self horror unlike Shaun of the dead trailer it has only one specific genre.